Answer: To form an expression equal to 100, four plus and minus signs can be inserted between the digits, taken in reverse order, as follows ¬' 98 – 76 + 54 + 3 + 21 = 100
That is, take the digits in descending order, 9 through 1, and form an expression equal to 100 by inserting the smallest possible number of plus and minus signs.In how many different ways can these things be arranged in a row? A permutation of some number of objects means the collection of all possible arrangements of those objects. They can be numbers, letters, people, colors, etc. Say you have a certain number of things or objects.In this example, I removed only \t 'Appendix,1 'from the first field and removed only \o '1-3' from the second field At the end of the second field only, add the sequence-number-prefix switch \s 'Appendix ' before the closing bracket. The idea is to only change the parts that tell the computer what to put in the table of contents.